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Megane 2010 by MMG WIP


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MAK-Corp is proud to announce the Renault Megane 2010 Simulation. This simulation is being built for real race teams that have ordered the sim to be used as a training tool for their drivers. With more and more teams turning to sim-racing as alternative training tools, MAK-Corp is proud to be apart of helping bridge the gap between real racing and sim-racing with over 10 different series of which we will be announcing throughout 2010. The Renault Megane Simulation built privately for teams is built with accurate data supplied by teams and countless of photo's and dimensions supplied by teams to make it pinpoint accurate. It features real life aerodynamic and engine data for the creation of the physics and the engine performance and with the real team drivers helping with testing, the physics are built to reflect how the real drivers state are realistic.

The Sim is currently being built on the rFactor game title as an add on for the team and will be upgraded to rFactor 2 and then onto a standalone sim as our own engine is being prepared. The Sim will also be made available to public but not before the season has reached at least 3/4 to its completion and also not before we have the approval to do so, so please understand that an estimated release time to public cannot be given at this time. The public version of the sim will be planned for rF2 and possibly rF1 and GTR Evo however currently only the rF2 version is confirmed as the public version. The sim will be the first to be worked on with the real teams working with us extencively to ensure the most accurate simulation will be made. We are also happy to announce that the deal will stretch beyond 2010 for the Megane series as well as others that we will announce throughout 2010. Press releases with the teams we work with will be released in the near future when we show off more of the simulation.

The Megane car model is modeled by MAK-Corp's tintop modeler Chad who has done an extraordinary job on this car. The model is several hundred poly less then our F1 07/08 models so do not fear. Even though it looks very details (and it is) the car will not cause more FPS issues as some may think. We would like to thank Jonathan Bartlett first and foremost who was the defining man behind the Megane deal and also for the extencive help he's given and is giving throughout the development of the sim, and we'd also like to thank the team we currently cannot name but will shortly for the amount of time they spent taking photo's of the car and even removing panels off the car to take photo's of requested areas. The Renault Megane 2010 car will prove to be the most accurately modeled race car with team help in Simulation history and we cannot wait to show more of it off. For now, please enjoy the various renders below.

megane1128527140.th.jpg megane1118538353.th.jpg megane1098507117.th.jpg

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MAK-Corp is happy to release some new preview shots of the 2010 Renault Megane Simulation that is being done for various real life teams. This simulation will also have mod versions that will be released to public on both rFactor, rFactor 2 and possibly (but not promising) GTR Evolution.

Working hard over the 2010 season with various teams, the Renault Megane Simulation is built to be a driver training and setup testing tool for the real teams and drivers. The mod versions will only differ very slightly from the simulation counterpart to ensure no data is given to public that shouldn't be. The rFactor and rFactor 2 public mods of this car will include the full 2010 Teams and Drivers and Liveries of the Renault World Series Eurocup. A demo for the community versions has not yet been planned but is still in the talks as we feel that the acquisition of feedback from the community for the community mod versions is essential to creating a mod and physic package the community and racing leagues will enjoy to run. Stay tuned for more info.

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