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New Version 0.4

Version 0.4 changes:
-Corrected Issues from 218 sounds.
-new rain tires... from ISI renault F3.5
-Added NEW abrasion parameters to all TGM files...it is same value for hard, soft, qualy ...sorry for that !!
-Corrected wolf graphic tires ....
-Remove braketorque UPDATE and fix it in HDV to "BrakeTorque=2900"


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  • 3 weeks later...

ma che è successo a sto mod? è diventato ingiocabile, fino alla versione precedente era una di quelle mod che salvavo su rf2, ora con le dure non si riesce a stare in pista, forse un bug non lo so, ma veramente brutto, persino aumentando l'ala, sottosterzo impossibile, ffb pessimo, con le morbide il grip invece è anche troppo.. preferisco 10000 volte la versione per gtr2, sia per ffb che per fisica!

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  • 1 month later...

nuova versione 0.41 -> http://www.drivingitalia.net/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=4847

GP79_CAR v0.41
"These tires are not the final ones, they are going to be perfect and it is difficult to get them right so this update is one step closer.... Enjoy!"

Version 0.41 changes:
-Hard tires are fixed (correct size)
-Proud to Introduce LEM soft Proto tires made by Marcus Dillon aka "LEM"
-Brabham BT48 Cockpit change...(same old texture Sorry)

Version 0.4 changes:
-Corrected Issues from 218 sounds.
-new rain tires... from ISI renault F3.5
-Added NEW abrasion parameters to all TGM files...it is same value for hard, soft, qualy ...sorry for that !!
-Corrected wolf graphic tires ....
-Remove braketorque UPDATE and fix it in HDV to "BrakeTorque=2900"

Install Instruction:
MAIN MultiRFCMP is needed and install first
What you will have with this file are 3 cmps
-GP79_Sound v0.1
-GP79_Talent v0.2
-GP79_CAR v0.4

Just update GP79_CAR v0.4 to new version 0.41 in modmanager after put the following file in you PACKAGE folder:

*For Some of you who still have an older released:

Before Install, You have to desinstall with Modmanager or delete by hand all older release (0.1c rfmod or multiRFCMP or rfcmp).!!!

In MOD manager.
Desinstall at first and delete all GP79 related (GP79_CAR, GP79_SOUND, GP79_TALENT)

By Hand
-"MYDATARFACTOR2"/Installed/rfm > Delete MAS GP79_XXXX.MAS
-"MYDATARFACTOR2"/Installed/Vehicule/GP79_CAR >Delete folder
-"MYDATARFACTOR2"/Installed/Sounds/GP79_SOUND >Delete folder
-"MYDATARFACTOR2"/Installed/Talent/GP79_TALENT >Delete folder
-"MYDATARFACTOR2"/Manifest/ > delete GP79_XXXXX.mft

1)Now you 'll have to select ALL CAR
2)Choose a car for race and tune it:
3)Configure race to have GP79 car or other.

Tuning Options
Changing NominalMaxSteeringTorque value from cars HDV
-Assist Level 3->Maximum Assist, Lightest Steering
-Assist Level 2->Decreased Assist, Heavier Steering
-Assist Level 1->Minimum Assist, Heaviest Steering

*Shifter Style:
-Gate shifter.

*Optional Chassis
Car will not have correct SKIN till you choose it in the list.

fonte ISI forum

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quando il mod fu annunciato mi ero messo le mani nei capelli. Per fortuna ci stanno lavorando sopra per bene e i risultati iniziano ad essere più incoraggianti.

Little update on lotus


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