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Silverstone by ISI v1.35


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guarda, te lo dimostro immediatamente ed annunciandolo pubblicamente (cosa che di norma NON facciamo): eccoti un warn, cosi ti ricordi di non andare OT e che se hai problemi da lamentare DEVI farlo in privato.

Qui si prala di Silverstone, lo ribadisco

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e voi quindi siete capaci di gestire la vostra utenza?

Non ci provare.

Ti stai spacciando per l'inerme verginello in balia dei serial killers, quando sai benissimo che le cose non stanno cosi'.

Tu hai detto la tua (con tono spesso provocatorio), noi la nostra, estrapolando frasi a membro di segugio non dimostri niente.

Se non ti piace come funzionano le cose qui dentro, fai quello che ho fatto io col forum di M.Angelo: evitalo.

guarda, te lo dimostro immediatamente ed annunciandolo pubblicamente (cosa che di norma NON facciamo): eccoti un warn, cosi ti ricordi di non andare OT e che se hai problemi da lamentare DEVI farlo in privato.

Qui si prala di Silverstone, lo ribadisco

lol, in questo 3D ci sono addirittura screen di pcars per non parlare di altro.... ed io mi prendo il warn. lol cos'è vanno a simpatia i warn? o chi parla in modo denigratorio verso un simulatore che non sia quello di riferimento è esente da warn?

Questo non è un post di lamentela ma di chiarimento si intende ;-)

Edited by Rik01
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hai preso il warn ed ora un ban perchè non vuoi capire che se hai problemi da lamentare DEVI farlo in privato.

Qui simulatori di riferimento non ce ne sono.

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Direi che questo thread ha ormai esaurito il suo utilizzo, quindi chiudo.
Ne approfitto per suggerire a tutti un ripasso del regolamento e una lettura della risposta che diedi a 2slow4u qualche settimana fa, così da farsi un'idea migliore di cosa significhi moderare.

Di Silverstone se ne riparlerà quando gli ISI rilasceranno il prossimo aggiornamento, con la speranza che migliorino la buona base e risolvano i problemi che affliggono questa prima versione.

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  • 2 months later...

Da Luc Van Camp, rispondendo a chi chiedeva qualche avvallamento in più sulla pista. Questo messaggio lascia intuire quanto avevano già detto al rilascio della pista, ovvero che c'era ancora margine per l'ottimizzazione delle performance.

I'd like to run a serious second optimization pass on the track first -which I don't really have time for right now- before touching it again.
It's definitely still on the list though.

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  • 4 months later...


The ISI Track Team finally got the data they were waiting for to update Silverstone. This is how long you'd have been waiting if we had not released it unoptimized.
Fun fact #1: judging by the numbers, optimized Silverstone now runs about 30% smoother (heavy stutter areas up to 50% smoother) in known bottleneck areas.

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Newly optimized Silverstone enters internal testing process shortly!
Silverstone Circuit v1.01, a free add-on for rFactor 2 users, was released June 27, 2013, just in-time for the British Grand Prix that weekend. Whether the right or wrong decision, it was released un-optimized for the date, as we were unable to finish it completely anyway, awaiting surface data.
Finally, that confidential surface data is ours! The data we have can produce accurate bumps and surface features for the circuit. The ISI Track Team have taken the time recently to work on Silverstone, and the optimization results are also quite pleasing. We will also be adding the International layout.
Their tweets from this last week round-up the facts of what the next Silverstone update will bring to the product:

Fun fact #1: judging by the numbers, optimized Silverstone now runs about 30% smoother (heavy stutter areas up to 50% smoother).
NOTE: those % numbers do NOT relate to pure FPS, but reduces the known bottlenecks (shadows and reflections). We simply love statistics :)
Fun fact #2: stat wise Silverstone has an avg of 17% less triangles/frame; should result in healthy FPS improvement (25% low track detail).
That’s half of what we could improve at LochD, but LD was less optimized. They’re now in a similar tricount range. More materials though …
Fun fact #3: new Silverstone texture folder size has shrunk by a huge 35%! Very happy with that kind of texture weight loss …
Fun fact #3b: all of these optimizations obviously also result in slightly shorter track loading times, especially the texture optimization.
Not-so-fun fact: Silverstone will NOT come with National Layout YET; more work required to old pitlane and its terrain. Tight schedule :(
Fun fact #4: Silverstone International is a blast (and a massive 50% smoother, up to 40% tris/frame lighter than the original 1.01 GP)!
Fun fact #5: last but not least, optimized @rFactor2 Silverstone will feature new painstakingly modelled surface bumps.
These new bumps are based on accurate and confidential high profile data. Looking forward to internal testing feedback soon …

As the final tweet says, the new Silverstone enters internal testing very soon. Look for a public release in the near future!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Silverstone Circuit v1.01 -> v1.14 Changelog
- Increased surface mesh density at The Link and Maggots Corner for short layouts
- Added and enhanced 3D modelled surface details based on accurate data

- Added International layout
- Replaced GP Layout with GT Layout (41 garage spots)
- Added Concrete Blocks to prevent wandering beyond limits on short layouts
- New default weather preset for GT and International Layouts
- Added Medium Rubber RealRoad presets
- Reworked Light Rubber RealRoad presets
- Added International layout cameras

- Fixed inaccurate Sector 1, Sector 2 and Pit In timing lines (Pit In is now at the FIRST line)
- Fixed multiple small terrain gaps
- Fixed incorrect material on old pit building roof
- Fixed Collision for Bridges
- Fixed Collision for PitWall Gates
- Fixed Smoothing on Grandstand at Club Corner
- Fixed Smoothing on wall at Club Corner
- Fixed light glow being always enabled
- Fixed (most) annoying popups
- Fixed Daylight Saving Time zone

- Tweaked terrain textures and materials for less aliasing and a tiny bit more depth
- Tweaked wall materials for a tiny bit less aliasing
- Tweaked Vegetation textures and materials
- Tweaked RealRoad texture
- Tweaked Glass materials
- Tweaked Vehicle materials

- Optimized 3D Tyre Walls for better and smoother performance
- Optimized Armco for better and smoother performance
- Optimized Armco details for better and smoother performance
- Optimized Vehicles for better and smoother performance
- Optimized Shadow Casters for better performance
- Optimized LOD distances for better performance
- Optimized Reflection Maps for better performance
- Optimized Crowds for better performance
- Optimized Terrain objects for smoother performance
- Optimized Grandstands for better performance
- Optimized Props for smoother performance
- Optimized Omni Lights for International layout
- Optimized Vegetation
- Optimized Grass and Gravel Verges
- Optimized Terrain textures
- Optimized Vehicle textures
- Optimized Building textures

- Performance should be improved by an average of 15-30% over v1.01 depending on detail settings.
- Smoothness should be improved by an average of 25-35% over v1.01 depending on detail settings; up to 45% in most previously heavy stutter areas.
- Texture size reduction by 35% should also free up some VRAM by a fair amount, regardless of detail settings;
- Existing 1.01 GP Layout has been replaced by what we now call GT Layout; which is the same layout with extra garage spots.




This REPLACES v1.01. Please delete v1.01 and install 1.14.

"GT" Layout


International Layout


National Layout will come with a future update.

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Provato si vede una leggera ottimizzazione ma graficamente è sempro lo stesso non regge i paragoni ne con silverstone di Ac che con PCars .....

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