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Marussia-Cosworth MR01 by ISI v1.42


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As I highly recommend people read the technique section, I will link to the profile page first:

Read it. smile.png

You can download here (I already sent the file to mirrors long before this, so I will add those as I get them):
File size should be 68.5MB, if our servers are getting killed, make sure you get the full file before saying there is an issue with the file itself.

Mod Manager needs Mods checked, Components UNCHECKED to see the mod.

We have a number of things in-development. The pre-release screenshots of the MR01 showed sharper logos on the car than you will see with this car when you are running it (if you look closely, that is), that's because the tech isn't ready yet, but the car is.

Template should be posted early next week.

The MR01 will be a part of a series mod we will release fairly soon, which will include another officially licensed track (Silverstone) and some generic 2012 spec cars (minus KERS) to go with the Marussia. Components will also be released.

I'd just like to take the opportunity to thank Marussia for their assistance and honesty. We have been allowed the model the car as it really was (and that is why you should read the technique section closely).

I also hope you'll join me in becoming a fan of the team, and cheering them in their pursuit of 10th-place (or better) in the constructors championship this year. I don't think sim racing could ask for a nicer partner.


Thanks for your patience while we got this out.


Not ready for release, but I hope these screenshots look good. It's Malaysia as the track, and will form a part of the 2012 FISI 'carset'.

Marussia-Cosworth MR01. Unedited except for size and painting out the AI logo where I had to


Edited by Uff
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wajdi, come già ripetuto più e più volte non postare immagini così grandi. Usa i thumbnail, così da evitare di appesantire eccessivamente i topic.

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Sono proprio curioso di paragonarla sia graficamente che a livello di sensazioni di guida a quelle che si trovano per rF1.

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  • 2 months later...

Siamo vicini al rilascio. O meglio: è disponibile, ma per ora c'è un solo link, questo. Potrebbe capitare che il server vada in tilt, ma nuovi server dovrebbero arrivare quanto prima.

As I highly recommend people read the technique section, I will link to the profile page first:

Read it. smile.png

You can download here (I already sent the file to mirrors long before this, so I will add those as I get them):
File size should be 68.5MB, if our servers are getting killed, make sure you get the full file before saying there is an issue with the file itself.

Mod Manager needs Mods checked, Components UNCHECKED to see the mod.

We have a number of things in-development. The pre-release screenshots of the MR01 showed sharper logos on the car than you will see with this car when you are running it (if you look closely, that is), that's because the tech isn't ready yet, but the car is.

Template should be posted early next week.

The MR01 will be a part of a series mod we will release fairly soon, which will include another officially licensed track (Silverstone) and some generic 2012 spec cars (minus KERS) to go with the Marussia. Components will also be released.

I'd just like to take the opportunity to thank Marussia for their assistance and honesty. We have been allowed the model the car as it really was (and that is why you should read the technique section closely).

I also hope you'll join me in becoming a fan of the team, and cheering them in their pursuit of 10th-place (or better) in the constructors championship this year. I don't think sim racing could ask for a nicer partner.


Thanks for your patience while we got this out.

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Solito problema con le temperature delle gomme. Oramai tutti i mod di rF2 hanno lo stesso identico problema.

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Solito problema con le temperature delle gomme. Oramai tutti i mod di rF2 hanno lo stesso identico problema.

mah...a me non risulta....

dipende tutto dal tuo stile di guida..se sei smooth e pulito le super soft ti durano anche 10 giri..

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Chi ha parlato di durata? :)

Ho detto che come tutti gli altri mod rF2 ha il solito problema delle gomme. Mi pare strano che nessuno si accorge del fatto che arrivare alle pressioni minime non basta per avere le temperature centrali ottimali (che rimangono sempre più alte dell'interno gomma anche se si aumenta a manetta le barre antirollio). E come succede qui succede sugli altri mod ISI e quelli wip (vedi la LOLA e la F1 '79).

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