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Grand Slam v1.01


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Sorry it has been a while since the last update. I have been having some minor health issues and have not been able to spend a lot of time at my pc the last few weeks. Nothing serious but more of an inconvenience than anything else. If you want to know about it you can go to our forum and read the Grand Am thread where I have been posting updates on the mod.

Dave and I have been working on a number of things on the mod and are getting things done but since it is just the two of us doing everything it is taking longer than expected to get everything done.


We were having a small problem with the back end of the car skipping out on you if you hit a kerb or dropped a wheel off the track so we started looking into why this would happen. The physics felt really good other than this small problem. We started looking into the suspension file and found a couple of odd things so we decided to re-do the suspension. As one thing led to another I ended up drawing out the complete suspension in 3d to calculate the correct pivot points. I used known data and photo's that I had taken of the real car and gave all that info to Dave who in turn completely remade the pm file from scratch. We now have the car feeling very good and the problem we had before is now gone. Dave is in the process of finishing up the details around the suspension and checking to make sure all the cars are working correctly.


I have been working on getting all the cars finished up but the main project was adding all new hoods with 3d headlights. The original mod only had the the Riley Pontiac and Lexus, and the Crawford Pontiac, so I have been busy making the other cars with 3d headlights. The cars we now have are:















All cars now have correct 3d headlights and tail lights. Cockpits are now all complete and new 3d engines are done. I have also made a new set of wheels which are now paintable. I have been working on new engine sounds which were created using the real sounds from the Doran Ford.

I am still working on the sounds, paint jobs, some of the small 3d issues and am now starting to get files orginized and ready to pack up for the final beta testing. Dave is working on finalizing the physics and we hope to have it out to the beta testers this next week.

I am sorry we have taken so long on getting this done but we were originally going to just clean the mod up and release it with what was given to us by IDT but both Dave and I decided it would be much better to do a good job on this and make it as complete as we could. The mod was originally going to just be the Fabcar and the Riley with one set of physics. But now each car has its own physics and all of the 06 cars will be included. We are also including the full line up of GT Porsche 911 cars from the 06 season. It will use the PCC 05 mod as the base for this addition.

A lot has been going on behind the scene with the use of the Grand Am name. We were originally told that we could use the "official" name on the mod and then we were told we couldn't use it because licensing issues and now I have just recently been informed that the licensing issue has been resolved and we can use the name... Because of the back and forth nature of this I have have not decided that we will actually use the Grand Am name so you will notice that some of the screenshots have the name "Grand Slam" That was my alternate idea for the name of this mod. The name is not a put down of the Grand Am series but more of an inside joke to all the people that have ever been involved with this sim from the begining. The on again/off again situation over using the Grand Am name is pretty much how this entire thing has gone right from the begining so I thought the Grand Slam was pretty fitting.

Again, sorry for the long delay in giving any updates.

altri screens


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am happy to say that Trebor has been at it again

We are still working on the mod but are getting close to having it done. We have a few details to complete before it is ready for release it but I wanted to share this great video that trebor did.

I am also happy to say that trebor has joined forces with Team Players and will be doing video and screenshot updates for us. I guess he could be called our PR guy He has done a couple other videos for us that you may have seen. I am a huge fan of his work and I am happy to have him on the team.

This is his Grand Slam Promo and is dedicated to all the people that have helped in this mod. Please take the time to read the full credits. One of the reasons I decided to take on this project is because of all the people that put so much time and effort into it and it ended up sitting on a hard drive collecting dust. It would be a shame to not get it finished and give all of those that helped the credit they deserve.

Because this mod has been through 3 different teams and almost 3 years I hope I remembered eveyone involved. If by chance I forgot someone I will apologize up front. If you feel you have been missed in the credits please PM me and we will make sure you get included in the final list when we release the mod.

This is our way of saying thanks to all involved.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

We have had a bit of a setback on getting the physics completed. As you know we all have real life to deal with besides doing free mods. Although Dave made some real breakthroughs on parts of the physics he has not been able to do a lot on them since he got the real Hoosier tire data and Niels ran it through Trex.

So rather than see the progress come to a halt I have taken over on getting the physics done.

I am making some changes to how they will be completed so we can get them done and get the mod released. Dave had been working very hard on making every car in the mod as realistic to the actual cars as he could but we were running into the problem of not having the cars equal which we all know that would mean it would be reduced to a single car mod.

Because I am not that much of a physics guru I am setting up a "base" set of physics and will tune the 4 different cars (Riley, Crawford, Doran and Fabcar) to have slightly different handling but keep them all very competitive with each other. I will be using the realistic suspension and the tires that we have been working on but the engines will be based on one "baseline" and have slight changes made to replicate the different manufactures.

I know the "purest" out there will not like what I am doing but I think in the end it will make for a much better mod and we won't end up with guys picking it apart because it isn't "real" enough. I have read a lot of posts about the other "realistic" mods where guys are just nit-picking the physics apart because they are not exactly like the real car so I want to just avoid that whole mess with this.

So, the status of the mod is this:

We had a couple of different variations of the suspension and a couple of the tires (based on real data). We have pretty much decided on the final match of the 2 of them. I am getting that out to the beta testers very soon and then I will start putting in a lot of the data that Dave had worked so hard on like the tire heating and wear, and engine data (i.e. oil and water temps, pressure and such). I am going to try and use as much of Dave's work as possible because I wouldn't want his work to be for nothing but I do want to keep the cars as even as possible.

If, when Dave gets things back to normal we may look at putting out an update with what he was working on but as he told me a couple of weeks ago it would take him a few months to complete.

No time line for a release date but I am working to get it done.

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  • 2 months later...

Here is the latest update.

As you may know Dave Henrie was working on the physics for this mod. When this mod was passed over to Team Players from IDT my intentions were to use the Fabcar phyiscs as the base and adjust the 4 different cars (Riley, Crawford Doran and Fabcar) to give each car its own feel. As you also may know each car brand has different engine configurations (Ford, Pontiac, Lexus, BMW and Porsche). This adds up to a lot of cars to do and my original plan was to keep all the cars as even as possible so there wouldn't be much difference between engines other than the sounds and the graphics (each engine manufactur has different headlights).

When we took the mod to Daytona it was basically the Fabcar physics with very slight differences in the 4 car brands. We had a number of the real drivers test the mod in the CXC simulator and of all the drivers that drove it said it was very close to how the Grand Am cars handled. The biggest complaint was the cars in the mod would spin out easier than the real thing. We were fortunate enough to get Alex Gurney to help us beta test and give us feedback so we had some very good information from his help.

Unfortunately we lost the "vision" of using a base set of physics for all the cars and what happened was we lost focus on the ultamate goal and the cars started to drift off from being competitive with each other. In the process of trying to finish the mod real life crept in and Dave was not making progress on it and I could see we had lost our way.

I couple of months ago I decided to take over on the physics and get back to basics by taking the best of all the car that Dave did and creating a baseline again so we could try and finish this mod up. I personally feel a mod of this scope with 20+ cars must be competitive with each other or we would end up with a single car mod as everyone would choose the fastest car to run and the others would not be used. So I created a good basline set of physics using what Dave had done and based on the Fabcar phsyics. I do know how to do physics but it is not my focus in rFactor and not what I really want to spend my time doing.

So with the background of where this mod has been I would like to let you all know that Shawn Purdy has joined Team Players as out main physics guru. He will be taking over where I (and Dave) left off and will be finishing the mod up. Shawn and I are working on another project currently but it appears that he and I think very much alike and we get along very well together. So I am very happy to let you know that he will be doing our physics now.

We will have some updates in the near future on the Grand Am mod and possibly some other projects we are working on.



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  • 1 month later...

You are invited to join in on the Grand Slam beta testing.

As you know this mod has gone through a number of different stages of physics development and with Shawn Purdy joining Team Players as our main physics creation we decided to open up the beta test as was done with the Fabcar. This beta test only includes the Riley for now and we will add the other cars when they are ready to test. This will give Shawn the feedback he needs on each car so he can complete one before moving on to the next set. You will find the Pontiac, Lexus and BMW Rileys so there are 3 cars to test before the next vehicle update.

We know some of you have been waiting a long time for this mod so this is our way of thanking you for being patient and not bugging us about a release date. I am not going to list all of the contributors to this mod right now because there are just too many people that have contributed to this since it was fist started (they will be listed in the final version). In general I would like to thank all the guys in the original D3 team as well as the guys at IDT that worked on this mod as well (most are cross overs from D3/IDT). Specifically I would like to thank Pierre for turning the reins over to me to finish this up.

I would be remiss in not thanking my friend Dave Henrie for all of his hard work and efforts on the last version of the physics. I am sorry it could not have been completed with his physics but as we all know real life comes first before our hobbies. I would also like to thank X-ter, Fjalla and 24KGEM for helping us beta test this final version of Shawns physics.

I have set up a Grand Slam Beta Test thread where we invite you to post you feedback and comments over at Team Players Virtual Garage forum. You will find a thread for physics comments and another for graphics so please help us by posting your critique there. It can be found at our forum in the "Grand Am 2006" section.

This is a manual install so just extract the zip file to a safe place and follow the directory structure in the zip as it is the same as your rFactor install.

We hope you enjoy this and enjoy being part of the beta process.

Here are some notes from Shawn for those of you that are going to help.

Use the default Grill tape to simulate race conditions (20% should be default) If you want to simulate qual then go higher. However Engine heating isn't working correctly yet. ) Default setup should be pretty easy to drive, I encourage people to try to see if one car can take advantage of a tweaked setup better than another. So Go ahead with tweaking, but keep in mind 20% tape will be max without overheating when its working.

a) Which car you think is the best of the 3 in terms of lap time but maybe fuel economy also playing a factor.

B) Tire heating - if its good or not

c) longer runs to test wear rates

d) general feedback on the cars. Likes/dislikes/issues


mirror 1 http://www.megaupload.com/it/?d=JBQ5HTGU

mirror 2 http://teamplayers-virtualgarage.com/dcl2....ETA_ver0.01.rar

mirror 3 http://rapidshare.com/files/181637048/TEAM...ETA_ver0.01.rar

Team Players Virtual Garage

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  • 2 weeks later...

GRAN SLAM Beta Full Field Beta v0.02

To celebrate the Daytona 24hr Race this weekend we are releasing the full field beta of the Grand Slam mod.

The beta includes all the cars that will be in the final mod which include:





Engine manufactures include:






The mod is still in beta and we would like your feedback to help us get any bugs out before the final release. Please use the main Grand Slam thread for comments and suggestions.

We hope you enjoy the mod.

Team Players Virtual Garage




This version has updates to the Riley as well as all new sounds so you will have problems if you try and install it over the prior beta.

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  • 9 months later...

A quanto pare siamo finalmente vicinissimi al rilascio di questo promettente mod!

I wanted to let you all know that I am working on putting together the final version of the Grand Slam mod.

Shawn sent me the final version of the physics a couple of weeks ago and I am slowly getting the final release together.

As you may have noticed we are busy working on other mods so I am trying to split up my time between all the other things I have to do but have been working on cleaning up the paint templates so I can include them in the mod with the final release. I have a number of other small things to do on this mod but will be working on it and will try and get it completed soon. You probably already know that I do not set dates for anything so I can not say exactly when it will be released but I will make it clear by posting on this forum and others about the release.

Thanks for you patients on this mod.



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bene, bene; la seconda beta a parte qualche bug grafico (qualche pezzo invisibile, il cockpit che appare e scompare) l'avevo apprezzata tantissimo

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