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Nippon 1.2 rilasciata


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Here is the new release of Nippon 1.2. We have tried to fix all the problems we had encountered with version 1.1. Formula Nippon has gone through significant changes in 2006. Some of the changes are: a new Lola Chassis and two new engines. One would be a V8 3L Toyota RV8J and the other V8 3L Honda HF 368E. These changes allowed us to completely re-do Nippon 1.2 from ground up. We decided not to call it Version 2.0 because we didn
Edited by Uff
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Appena finita una garetta offline a monza...


Sorpassi e controsorpassi! Domani lo provo online! Ora faccio un altra garetta e poi vado a letto va!

Grazie per l ottimo lavoro! :up:

P.S. Mamma mia che spettacolo il suono :fico:

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