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    Raceroom: è finalmente disponibile l'update di Dicembre

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    È finalmente disponibile l'update di Dicembre per Raceroom Racing Experience. L'aggiornamento, da circa 5.3 GB porta in dote tante novità, sia dal lato della fisica di guida sia per quanto riguarda i contenuti.

    E parlando di contenuti, Sector 3 per questo update ha fatto il pieno di Audi. Infatti oltre alla R8 LMS GT3 Evo fanno il loro arrivo anche la R8 LMS GT2 e una nuova versione della GT4. L'update avrebbe dovuto portare con sé anche tante livree, ma a causa dei motivi che tutti conosciamo non è stato possibile aggiungerle, quindi il team spera di poter portare le livree 2021


    Le auto non finiscono qui, perché anche da Volkswagen arrivano due auto strepitose: la ID.R e la Scirocco Group 2 del 1976


    Spostandoci sui tracciati invece, questo update segna l'arrivo di un nuovo tracciato NASCAR: Watkins Glen arriva sullo store con i suoi quattro layout, mettendo una spunta su uno dei circuiti più richiesti.


    Ma quando si parla di richieste della community nulla può battere il layout Grand Prix di Brands Hatch. Il team è finalmente lieto di annunciare la sua disponibilità sullo store. L'unico modo per aggiungerlo però era quello di rilasciarlo separatamente e non come layout aggiuntivo per Brands Hatch Indy. Il team però per ovviare a questo inconveniente ha subito applicato uno sconto del 50% sul layout Grand Prix che durerà fino alla mezzanotte del 25 Dicembre.


    Ecco di seguito il changelog completo dell'aggiornamento, con tutte le novità. Commenti nel topic dedicato


    Update details:

    Download size = 5.3 GB
    Client version =
    Client BuildID = 5996517
    Dedi version = 70.0.1235
    Dedi BuildID = 5996692

    Content releases:

    • Audi R8 LMS GT4 (2020)
    • Audi R8 LMS GT3 EVO
    • Audi R8 LMS GT2
    • Volkswagen Scirocco Group 2 (1976)
    • Volkswagen ID. R
    • Brands Hatch Grand Prix layout
    • Watkins Glen International, with four layouts.


    Physics engine:

    • Physics engine - Added support for engine maps. Cars featuring these will have special settings in the car setup menu. Control bindings are also added to alter the map from inside the cockpit, which not all cars support.
    • Physics engine - Added support for modifying the amount of Engine Braking from the car setup.
    • Physics engine - Added support for throttle maps. Those are not tweakable in car setup but are specific to each car.
    • Physics engine - Revamp of the turbo simulation for better realism of spool / throttle management.
    • Physics engine - Added support for Energy recovery system, which is adjustable for electric & hybrid engines in the car setup menu as well as through a key bind from the cockpit.
    • [Read More about those physics engine updates here]
    • Physics engine - Revamp of the aerodynamics simulation of the diffuser to better simulate diffuser stalls when too close to the ground.
    • [Read More about the diffuser stalls here]


    Tyre model updates:

    The following cars are brought to v4.1:
    [Read more here about the full details on tyre models in RaceRoom]

    • Audi Sport TT Cup
    • Audi TT RS VLN
    • CUPRA eRacer
    • DTM 1992
    • Formula RaceRoom 90
    • Formula RaceRoom Junior
    • Group 2 (new class)
    • Group 4
    • Group 5
    • GT2
    • GT3
    • GT4
    • GTE
    • Hillclimb Icons
    • Mercedes DTM 2003 and 2005
    • NSU TTS
    • Porsche Cayman GT4 Clubsport
    • Porsche 911 GT3 Cup (sprint & endurance specs)
    • Porsche 911 Carrera Cup (964)
    • Silhouettes
    • Touring Classics
    • Volkswagen ID.R
    • WTCC 14-15-16-17
    • WTCR 18-19


    Engine maps

    The following cars are featuring engine maps:

    • Audi TT RS VLN
    • CUPRA eRacer
    • Formula RaceRoom 90
    • Formula RaceRoom U.S.
    • Formula RaceRoom X-17
    • Group 5
    • Group C
    • GT3 classes
    • GTE
    • GTR2 class
    • Nissan Skyline (Touring Classics) has 2 engine maps
    • P1
    • P2
    • Mercedes DTM 2003 and 2005
    • Volkswagen ID.R


    Dedicated server:

    • Added “Skip Qualifying” option. If this is enabled, the server will fetch leaderboard laptimes of all connected players for the current track layout and the performance index of the car they’re driving. The starting grid of the race will be defined by those lap times.
    • Added “Prevent false start” option. If set to off, players will be able to jump the start of the race and receive a penalty for doing so.
    • Added support for race duration in laps.
    • Added an option for rolling or standing starts for each race session. A rolling start is right now still AI controlled, but we aim for human control rolling starts in 2021.



    • New replay menu
    • Spectator - New data is available through the API. All changes are listed on the github page.
    • New data in shared memory API for Traction Control level, Engine Map and Engine Braking settings.
    • Unification of cut detections between the reputation system and the cut corridors. Previously, an incident point for an off-track would not always result in the invalidation of the lap.
    • Added a key bind to override traction control and allow for that quick 180 recovery from a spin.
    • Pitstops - WTCR car classes are now using the same pitstop timers as the GT4 car class.
    • Physics - Tweaks to behaviour of gravel and grass.
    • Physics - WTCR car classes now make use of the Anti-Lag System that had been developed for DTM 2020.
    • Physics - Fixed tyre pressure that wasn’t being set properly on preheated tyres which affected leaderboards.
    • Physics - Launch control logic change where it will now disengage when upshifting from 1st gear.
    • Sounds - ALS sound effects added to WTCR cars
    • Sounds - New external sounds for the Alfa Romeo Giulietta TCR (18&19)
    • Sounds - New external sounds for the Radical SR9 AER
    • Sounds - Improved external sounds of the BMW M4 DTM 2020
    • Sounds - Improved external sounds of the Peugeot 308 TCR
    • Sounds - Improved external sounds of the Porsche 962C
    • Sounds - Improved external sounds of the Porsche 911 GT2 RS Clubsport
    • Sounds - New cockpit sounds recording for the Audi RS 5 DTM 2020
    • Sounds - New cockpit sounds recording for the Chevrolet Dekon Monza
    • AI - Countless tweaks and improvements to AI behaviour and their racelines around tracks
    • Added support for 32:9 monitor ratios
    • Art - Bathurst updated to 2020 specs
    • Art - Imola updated to 2020 specs
    • Art - Portimao updated to 2020 specs
    • Art - Oschersleben - Added a missing brake marker at turn 1 and a bump in the road that was missing after turn 3.
    • Added support for manual inlaps at the end of the race session. This option is currently accessible through Gameplay Settings, but we eventually plan to make it a server option just like driving assists so it can be forced on or off.


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