Sono stati appena annunciati, tramite il sito ufficiale, i dettagli sulla nuova competizione virtuale da disputare con Gran Turismo Sport, denominata GR Supra GT Cup e dedicata all'omonima vettura sportiva giapponese. Il torneo esport è basato su 13 tappe, con il via dal 27 aprile prossimo dal circuito del Fuji.
QuoteThis is part of the e-Motorsport activities that Toyota GAZOO Racing has started this year, involving one-make races using the GR Supra RZ. Going beyond the boundaries of the real and the virtual, the feedback and evaluations gained through this championship will be used to shape the future of the Supra product in the real world.
The 'GR Supra GT Cup', held for the first time this year, will consist of 13 Rounds online starting from 27 April, with the top players from the rankings proceeding to the Final, a live event scheduled for Autumn that will determine the prestigious inaugural champion.
We hope you look forward to seeing the exciting drama and heated close battles that only a same level playing field provided by a one-make race can provide.
For more details about the rules and entry requirements, please see the TOYOTA GAZOO Racing 'GR Supra GT Cup' special website.