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rFactor 2 Build 494 Now Available!
You can now download rFactor 2 Build 494 from our downloads page. As always, we have a new free demo that utilizes the latest core code.
Our first release of the year, this update includes a number of graphical updates. Most notable is the automated HDR, which uses a set of functions to change all lighting elements automatically/dynamically, based on real geographical location variables, and time of the day. This gives a much more stable and consistent lighting experience. You may still use your personal HDR profiles. You may also notice some shader draw distance changes.


Update 21 (Build 494) Changelog (February 26, 2014):

Now defaulting to automated HDR parameters instead of manual profiles for every track when this build is first run. After that, you can change back to a specific profile if you want. The preferred profile for any track is now called “automation”.
Fixed calculation and tweaked numbers to reduce cloud pop-in.
There’s a few items missing from this changelog, shadow draw, etc.

Optional new HDV [sUSPENSION] line ModelWheelsIncludeAllTireMass=1 improves accounting for tire mass and inertia. Obviously this must coincide with actually adding the tire ring mass and inertia to the wheels in the chassis.ini file. In addition to more accurately simulating the tire ring, this also facilitates the removal of SpinInertia and SpinInertiaAI from the HDV. A related change is the optional removal of TemporaryRingMassInertia from the TGM file – the tire now dynamically changes inertia depending on current shape (a new variable MassInertiaMultiplier can also be included if the physically calculated values are not satisfactory for some reason).
For newly created replays, you can now play them even if the (virtual) mod is uninstalled, as long as the individual track and vehicle components are still installed.
Created some options for the suspension deformation code that allows more generic connections like brake lines.

Fixed problem recovering from ctrl-alt-delete in Win 7/8.
Fixed some missing translations in rFConfig.
Fixed plugin callbacks PreReset() and PostReset().
Fixed a crash from the RFM spinner in strange cases.
Made the “goto preferred car selection” page action go to the non-preferred car selection page in case where the preferred car selection page doesn’t exist (instead of going nowhere)
Fixed problem reading older RealRoad files.
Fixed a potential pit menu crash if FuelSpecial lines are used in the HDV file.
Fixed crash related to Mod Mode all tracks & cars selection & uninstalling other mods.
Fixed a couple problems with Resume From Replay, including one potential crash.
Since full-course yellows do not work without a safety car right now, disable them if there is no safety car available at a track.
Fixed potential crash in transparent trainer code – probably only happened in multiplayer.

Fixed bug in ModMgr when displaying large (> 2GB) mod files.
Added buttons to ModMgr to delete paths from the Working Dir and Packages selectors.
Some shader macro prototypes have changed. Look in pShaderStubs.h for changes.
Fixed rcd values write out from realtime editor.
Now looking for driver RCD files in vehicle components as well as (hopefully soon to be phased out) talent components.

UI / HUD / Options:
Fixed ‘enter’ key moving between min and max replay mode for other languages.
When selecting a mod with it’s own UI, the standard rFactor UI will send you to a prompt screen to ask if you’d like to use the mod-specific UI.
Added RCD editing gizmos: they work on “virtual vehicle” drivers in main release & any content in Mod Mode.
Fixed issue with true type fonts sometimes (usually after UI switch) not loading.

Official ISI server now show on top of mp lobby list (until user manually sorts).
If mod specific multiplayer temp vehicle is not found, will attempt to load generic temp vehicle instead.
Added gizmo to standard rFactor UI that let’s you quickly change cars in practice mode without having to leave and rejoin the server.
Detecting & reloading livery changes in multiplayer quick vehicle change.
Disabled new prediction algorithm by default, until issues are worked out.

Added profile for the Thrustmaster TX Racing Wheel.
Added an optional minimum FFB torque to the controller.ini file. Disabled by default.

AIs now attempt to restart engine when toggling AI on with a stalled engine.
Fixed some cases where RCD files were not loading.

Silverstone Circuit v1.01 -> v1.14 Changelog
- Increased surface mesh density at The Link and Maggots Corner for short layouts
- Added and enhanced 3D modelled surface details based on accurate data

- Added International layout
- Replaced GP Layout with GT Layout (41 garage spots)
- Added Concrete Blocks to prevent wandering beyond limits on short layouts
- New default weather preset for GT and International Layouts
- Added Medium Rubber RealRoad presets
- Reworked Light Rubber RealRoad presets
- Added International layout cameras

- Fixed inaccurate Sector 1, Sector 2 and Pit In timing lines (Pit In is now at the FIRST line)
- Fixed multiple small terrain gaps
- Fixed incorrect material on old pit building roof
- Fixed Collision for Bridges
- Fixed Collision for PitWall Gates
- Fixed Smoothing on Grandstand at Club Corner
- Fixed Smoothing on wall at Club Corner
- Fixed light glow being always enabled
- Fixed (most) annoying popups
- Fixed Daylight Saving Time zone

- Tweaked terrain textures and materials for less aliasing and a tiny bit more depth
- Tweaked wall materials for a tiny bit less aliasing
- Tweaked Vegetation textures and materials
- Tweaked RealRoad texture
- Tweaked Glass materials
- Tweaked Vehicle materials

- Optimized 3D Tyre Walls for better and smoother performance
- Optimized Armco for better and smoother performance
- Optimized Armco details for better and smoother performance
- Optimized Vehicles for better and smoother performance
- Optimized Shadow Casters for better performance
- Optimized LOD distances for better performance
- Optimized Reflection Maps for better performance
- Optimized Crowds for better performance
- Optimized Terrain objects for smoother performance
- Optimized Grandstands for better performance
- Optimized Props for smoother performance
- Optimized Omni Lights for International layout
- Optimized Vegetation
- Optimized Grass and Gravel Verges
- Optimized Terrain textures
- Optimized Vehicle textures
- Optimized Building textures

- Performance should be improved by an average of 15-30% over v1.01 depending on detail settings.
- Smoothness should be improved by an average of 25-35% over v1.01 depending on detail settings; up to 45% in most previously heavy stutter areas.
- Texture size reduction by 35% should also free up some VRAM by a fair amount, regardless of detail settings;
- Existing 1.01 GP Layout has been replaced by what we now call GT Layout; which is the same layout with extra garage spots.

Loch Drummond 1.1
- Fixed upside-down crowd in some grandstands
- Fixed several objects intersecting fences
- Added invisible colliders to in/outfields
- Added canvas in front of tyre walls
- Optimized tyre wall LOD distances
- Optimized tyre wall reflections
- Optimized tyre wall shadows
- Optimized Radio Towers: separated into multiple VisGroups
- Optimized GrassVerges
- Optimized some textures
- Removed tyre stack in chicane
- Removed tyre wall collision objects

This post has been promoted to an article

Edited by Uff
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il più grosso problema è sicuramente il fatto che a volte entri nelle sessioni multiplayer,a volte no che sicuramente richiede un hotfix entro la settimana.

Per il resto ho avuto un miglioramento minimo dei FPS ma non avevo problemi da quel punto di vista.

Il nuovo HDR è tutta un'altra cosa, bel miglioramento come finalemtne ho le ombre delle macchine distanti !!!!

direi soddisfatto ma lo sarei molto di più quando sistemereanno il problema del logging in un server :)

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Guest gaevulk1977

Boh, problemi del multy a parte, questa mi sembra una delle poche build realmente concreta.


quoto,a me pare che abbiano migliorato qualcosa con il trimonitor e sopratutto gli fps sono piu stabili e nei minimi di piu'

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scusate l'ignoranza..ma bisogna per forza rinstallare tutto o se può fare a meno????

Assolutamente no, non devi disinstallare nulla.

Nel launcher vai su "update" e aggiorni da li!

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scusate l'ignoranza..ma bisogna per forza rinstallare tutto o se può fare a meno????

Assolutamente no, non devi disinstallare nulla.

Nel launcher vai su "update" e aggiorni da li!



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  • 2 weeks later...

E' fantastico!

Ho acquistato rF2 vers. lifetime nel luglio 2012, usato poco dato che non mi ha mai convinto pienamente sotto molti aspetti.

Ho cambiato l'hardware del PC 2-3 settimane fa e l'installazione era da rifare. Ieri ho richiesto il reset attivazione, che è arrivato dopo svariate ore. :doh:

Ok, fa niente ... reinstallo e provo ...

Cosa ti trovo?

Menù confusionari con caratteri sproporzionati, schermate che sembrano fatte alla bell'e meglio e che addirittura restano una sull'altra (es, se scelgo settings o garage spesso  mi resta sotto la schermata da cui sono partito), immagini di preview delle auto che nemmeno fanno capire bene che modello è, data la risoluzione semplicemente ridicola ...

Chiudiamo un occhio e proviamo una pista. Lime Rock, una delle mie preferite.

Omioddio!!!!!! Va bene che ero abituato alla Lime Rock di iRacing ma faccio fatica a riconoscerla :angry2:


Ok, sono abituato 'bene' dato che uso principalmente AC, però onestamente mi aspettavo tutt'altro  e tralascio il risultato del confronto sul piano della fisica e del puro piacere di guida :dente:


La domanda sorge spontanea: ma dopo quasi due anni dall'acquisto mi devo ritrovare questo?


E' veramente fantastico


Edited by Nexus7
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beh si vede che almeno ti gira decentemente io con tutti dettagli su max con 20 auto faccio si e no 30 fps mentre con tutti i dettagli al max su ac ne faccio oltre 60 quando si dice l'ottimizzazione ........questi degli Isi non sanno nemmeno dove stia di casa.....ma dove si è mai visto piste di oltre 300 mb solo per cercare di tentare di avere una grafica decente.

Edited by jakobdylan
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Guest gaevulk1977

Per quanto riguarda la fisica,alcune vetture su rf2 non sono affatto male anzi,per quanto riguarda gli fps io ho 60 fps fissi con vsync attivo ed una gtx 780 su 3 monitor

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