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F1 1992 MOD 2.1 e Track Pack 1992 RFE Disponibile!


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F1-S-R: indirizzo mail per le donazioni Paypal mikalainenn@gmail.com

ATTENZIONE: bisogna usare il file player.plr con il quale risulterà il nome "giocatore"; se si vuole cambiarlo con il proprio nome basta modificare la cartella player che si trova sotto userdata, rinominandola da player con il proprio nome e dentro la cartella modificare player.plr in proprio nome.plr


F1 1992 Mod v2.0 by F1 Sim Racer

download -> http://www.drivingitalia.net/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=61


It is with great pleasure we at F1SR see the first release of the 92 V2 season for rFactor, provided by Ale Sanchez and RF990R, without their dedicated and hard work none of this would be possible,
We together would like to release this with a special thought for Michael Schumacher, the 92 season was his first full season in F1, and to span 20 years in F1 that is some feat!
So please everyone that downloads this mod, say a little prayer for Michael, and wish him a fast a speedy recovery.


With this mod comes a new "player profile", the profile is called "player" it is important you use this profile to fully benefit the V2 release, you can rename this file as you see fit.
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fantatsico ma il track pack non c'è?

io l' ho sto scaricando...mi dice che il file è di 944 mb!!.....dovrebbe esserci CREDO anche il track pack!

Edited by rdasisva
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