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Formula 1 1982 by Luka K & JC Case v0.92

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Si, hanno detto che hanno alcuni bug da correggere e in più alcuni membri del team erano in vacanza... Comunque sono veramente prossimi al rilascio della beta 0.90!

Edited by winters79
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  • 1 month later...

J.C. Case riguardo l'attesa versione beta 0.90 ha dichiarato mercoledi 5 ottobre:

"Hopefully late this weekend or at least the coming week, depending on when we´re able to finish the last few things that needs to get sorted. "

Successivamente oggi ha poi scritto:

"The whole Varjanta Mod team is finally gathered again which means that we´ll be able to solve a couple of things that I didn´t think was possible to do with this v.90 version. So there might take a few more days before it get´s released."

I team presenti in questa release saranno:

Alfa Romeo












Edited by winters79
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  • 2 weeks later...

Rilasciata la beta 0.90 http://www.varjanta....ased-t2359.html .Rimuovete la vecchia beta 0.60 prima di installarla e, cosa importante, leggete il read me presente nell'archivio.

DOWNLOAD QUI http://www.drivingitalia.net/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=2132

Ok, guy´s, here´s finally the F1 1982 v.90 Public Beta for you.

It has been a lot of delays and we would have delayed this release for a week or two if it wasn´t so late in the season as the mod still are very FPS heavy due to the lack of LODs. That will however get rectified within a week or two as Luka has started to work on that, which means that you can expect a v.91 soon. icon_e_wink.gif

But as it´s so late in the season and you all need to get to know the cars before our League starts, here we go. icon_razz.gif


F1 1982 Historic and League Edition v.90 Public Beta by Luka K. & JC Case



This F1 1982 mod contains 2 versions, the HE and the LE.

Each version has currently 11 teams but new teams/cars and other Updates will get added "along the way" before the release of the final F1 1982 HE- LE v.1.0. The mod also contains Sounds, Music, Movie and Talent files, 2 rFm´s and 2 separate UIData and the Grinding Tranny mod too.


Historic Edition:

Each team uses it´s own physics and in those cases when a Teams use multiple cars, they also use their own physics. The HE uses 8 different engines and 7 different engine sounds with the two Ford Cosworth engines sharing the same sounds.

You can adjust the boost pressure In-Car with the Ferrari in which Temporary boost is available too. The boost pressure on the Brabham can only be set in the Garage. Adjustable boost pressure settings are not available on the Renault.

The use of high boost pressures will however make the engines less reliable just as the use of Max revs also will do. You should change gears when the Rev Lights switches on to make sure that you reach the finish line.


You Increase Engine brake in both versions by lowering its numbers in the Garage, ex from 3 to 2 and vise verse. There´s Onboards starters attached to both versions too. The HE Default setups are new btw, but the Gearing and Wing settings are "left over´s" from the v.60.


League Edition:

The LE uses the same graphics and sound files as the HE mod do. But each team and car uses the same Physics and Engine which is a 3 liter V8, and Tire physics too. It´s default setup is not made for any particular track, it´s made to be easy to drive and as a starting point for your own setups, but it suit´s tracks like Spa and Vitus quite good out of the box.


The Tires:

There are 3 different Tires available in both versions. The 4 different Tire brands uses different names in the HE but regardless of their names the Options are essentially "Hard, Soft and Qualifying". All tires Ideal Temp is set to 80c, but they heat up differently. The "Soft" and "Qualifying" tires heat´s up more and faster then the "Hard" tires do.


The "Hard" tires are more durable then the Soft tires but they have less grip too. The "Hard" tires will last you for about an hour depending on the track and on how hard you use them.

The more grippy "Soft" tires will last you for about 40 minutes depending on the track and on how hard you use them.

The "Qualifying" tires will last you between 2-4 laps before they die.


You will however not loose any big amount of grip until the Tire Wear Dot´s on the HUD-display goes Red, and you will have to pit for new Tires pretty soon when there´s only 2 Red Dot´s left. But until then, you´re safe.



*You need to remove ANY previous F1 1982 vehicles folder BEFORE you Install this Version of the F1 1982 Mod*

(Most often found here: C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles)

Then Unpack and drop the 6 folders (GameData, MovieFiles, Music, Plugins, RealFeel & LeoFFB, rFm and UIData) into your regular rFactor directory* and let overwrite.

*(Most often found here: C:\Program Files\rFactor)


Start rFactor and choose the Mod that you want to use and continue by buying the Car AND the Upgrades that you want to use too.


Please see the attached ReadMe for more information, some tip´s, RealFeel settings and stuff. icon_e_wink.gif



The Mod is very FPS heavy in its current state. Work that will solve that issue is however in progress and you can expect an Update/fix within the next weeks. Please remember that this is a Beta so there are a few other issues too, but all of them will be solved and Updated along the way so to speak, so you can expect several Updates to the mod before the final v.1.0 release.

For more information, see the attached Known Issues.txt



3D model, car: Pedro (Ripping Corpse)

3D model, cockpits: Luka K.

Ferrari Graphics: ChiefWiggum

Skins: Pedro (Ripping Corpse) & Luka K.

Physics: Luka K. & J.C. Case

Helmets: Pedro (Ripping Corpse) & J.C. Case

Driver Suits: Eddie Matapayos

Engine model: Maurizio Gilles

Other Works: J.C. Case & *BlackMagic*


Pedro - Magnificent original GP4 mod

Montesky - Sounds from the 1988 mod

Valiante - Permission to use graphics & objects from the 1985 Mod

Hugh Jarse - For His Alternative Showroom 1.0

Varjanta.com - the support from our members

And last but not least a Big Thanks to our awesome test team.

Apex, Argl, *BlackMagic*, Bob, Don, Kabo, Kiro and Louis.



Varjanta Download:

F1 1982 HE-LE v0.90 Public Beta Full Install

MegaUpload Mirror:

F1 1982 HE-LE v0.90 Public Beta Full Install

F1 1982 v.90 High Rez textures


As this Public Beta are a "work in progress", constructive feedback would be much appreciated.


You DO need to contact Luka K. or JC Case for approval before you use ANY of our unique graphics or physics that we have made for this mod. You can reach us through PM´s @ Varjanta, http://www.varjanta.com/


On the behalf of the Varjanta Mod Team

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leggendo il readme, sembra che questa versione 0.9 sia molto pensante e abbia problemi di fps.

fra qualche settimana rilasceranno una patch x risolvere.

Edited by Mauro
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Provata! Dico subito che ho provato solo qualche test senza nessun'altra macchina in pista, quindi non posso dire nulla riguardo problemi di fps...

Ho installato la Historic e ho provato un po' tutte le vetture. Le sensazione al volante sono veramente ottime. Ho utilizzato il realfeel e secondo me è stato fatto un bel lavoro!

Le vetture si sentono veramente in mano e molta cura è stata posta nel differenziare le varie vetture, sia per i telai che per i motori. Bravissimi!

Buono anche il comparto grafico, gli abitacoli sono molto curati (anche se le molle in vista ai piedi dell'abitacolo, erano coperte con delle placche metalliche durante l'utilizzo della vettura.... Solo una pignoleria comunque! :cool: ).

Buoni anche i suoni, anche se presi un po' qua e di là, ma è il solito limite dei mod d'annata dove è veramente difficile fare qualcosa di nuovo...

Per essere ancora una beta, siamo sui binari giusti! Già così è veramente godibile!

Per quanto mi riguarda, promosso!! :thumbsup:

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L'ho provata anch'io, e ne ho ricavato, come nelle prime beta, l'impressione di avere una macchina più caricata aerodinamicamente, rispetto al 79.

Mi spiego meglio: provando la 126C2, con e senza ala anteriore, arrivavo alla prima variante ai 302. Con gomme soft da gara, a scanso di equivoci. Al che riesumo la T4 per un rapido confronto: stessa velocità di punta, ma devo staccare molto prima, a meno di non voler finire sulla Luna, mentre con la C2 riuscivo a staccare ai 100 mentri :asd:

Ritorno al mio anno di nascita, e prelevo una Williams, sapendo del suo motore aspirato: a stento arrivo ai 280, benché mantenga molta aderenza, rispetto alle sue antenate del 1979,

A parte questo quesito (non è esattamente un difetto, IMHO), promuovo il mod a pieni voti.

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Beh, Gufo_Tave, direi che la tua analisi è perfetta e in linea con le vetture dell'epoca. Sicuramente a livello aerodinamico la C2 era molto superiore alla T4 e potremmo dedurre che l'impronta aerodinamica in fase di frenata poteva fare la differenza. Dopo averlo provato ancora, credo che la verità siano i freni: in effetti sembra che queste F1 '82 abbiano una forza frenante nettamente superiore a quelle del '79, nonostante nell'82 i dischi fossero ancora in alluminio/acciaio

Se non ricordo male i dischi in carbonio furono introdotti nel 1985...

E' giusto osservare che RFactor sotto molti aspetti è liberamente interpretabile, però le F1 '82 dei Varjanta frenano davvero forte come quelle del mod '85 mentre dovrebbero assomigliare di più alle '79, con magari qualche miglioria in più... Sottigliezze comunque! Il mod resta veramente curato e fa piacere che ci siano ancora modder intenzionati a creare Historic, soprattutto con vetture non recentissime!!

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