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I giochi di guida rendono pi


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A new study by Dr. Simon Goodson and Sarah Pearson from Huddersfield University reveals that driving games leave you feeling more agitated and aggressive than violent shoot-'em-ups.

Previous research has supported a link between violent video games and aggression by measuring the physical and mental reactions of the players. However, the choice and complexity of the video games were limited. This study used the one of the latest consoles (Xbox360) and three different game genres; a first-person-shoot-em-up (FPS), a driving game (Project Gotham Racing) and a 3D table tennis game.

Thirty participants, aged from 18 to 45, took part in the study and were measured for changes in their physical responses (EEG, breathing and heart rate) and mental responses (aggression) before and after playing.

The driving game induced the greatest change in heart rate and brain activity and surprisingly the FPS induced the smallest change.

Dr Goodson and Sarah Pearson commented:

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io purtroppo concordo...quando gioco con i sim di guida mi altero moooolto facilmente e molto di pi

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Guest A_Racer

Per quanto mi riguarda, quando gioco in maniera "seria", ritrovo molte delle sensazioni che provo in realt

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beh sicuramente nn hanno tutti i torti! il livello nervoso si altera parecchio dopo una bella sessione tirata di gara!


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Il peggio del peggio l'ho detto con Most Wanted

Quello credo sia un caso a parte: per finirlo devi inventarti anche gli accidenti che non sai, se vuoi riuscire a sfogarti un attimo...! :P

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