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[PS3] Gran Turismo 5


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The big theme at CES this year is 3D. At Sony's press conference this evening, the electronics giant announced substantial plans to invest in 3D technology, from creating 3D-ready televisions to developing 3D channels with partners like IMAX. PlayStation is a major component of Sony's 3D plans, too, further expanding on the promise of 3D gaming that Sony offered at CES in 2009.

Just as the PlayStation 3 was Sony's best weapon in the format war between Blu-ray and HD-DVD, Sony sees the PS3 as the best angle for establishing 3D as a standard. According to Sony at tonight's conference, every single PS3 can be upgraded via a firmware update to support 3D content, either games, video downloads, or 3D Blu-ray.

Following the conference, I had an opportunity to play three 3D PS3 games: Avatar, Super Stardust HD, and a demo of Gran Turismo. (I call Gran Turismo just a demo because the Sony representative refused to confirm whether or not it would ever be a real game, whereas they were much firmer on the future of 3D Super Stardust.) Sony had three demo stations set up, each with a brand-new 3D-enabled Bravia television and a pair of active shutter glasses. According to the rep showing off the games, 1080p HD content does not work well with traditional 3D glasses such as Real3D lenses used at many movie theaters. Only active shutter glasses can properly "decode" the dual image and translate it into believable 3D.

Super Stardust is a recreation of the dual-stick 2007 PlayStation Network shooter. Of the three games, this was the most immediately arresting thanks to the sharp visuals and the layering of the play field. The rotating asteroids that swing around the planet really appeared set apart from the surface below and did look to be moving toward you as they come around the back half of the planet. There is an element of gimmick to it because the 3D does not have any actual effect on the play itself, but it is attractive. The 3D Gran Tursimo demo, however, made better use of the 3D despite not looking nearly as crisp as Gran Turismo 5. There was a definite sensation of depth as your car drifted around corners with railings and signs sliding past you. Following the demo lap, you get a replay of your performance. When the camera swings to look inside the car, your driver really appears to occupy 3D space inside the vehicle. The steering wheel, the dash, the seat

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inutile farci aspettare......solita pasta e fagioli

Fermo restando che ognuno ha diritto a esprimere le sue opinioni, mi limito a dire che questo commento mi ha fatto riflettere di quanto -dal mio punto di vista- siano cambiati i forum rispetto a qualche anno fa. Che dire ragazzi: viva supermario kart a questo punto, che tra l'altro

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