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BRKart v1.11

Guest Uff

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BRKart MOD 1.11

By BRDev - Brazil Developments MOD TEAM - www.brdev.com.br


Created by:

Adriano Augusto & Marcelo Pereira


What's new in 1.11 version:

Damage position is finally fixed.

Brakes is updated (remember that this kars just have rear brakes)


What's new in 1.10 version:

- new 200cc class (using 125cc engines of 1.0 version);

- 125cc class now with 100cc engines of 1.0 version;

- new engines to 100cc class;

- a lot of new kart brands;

- new tire brands;

- new indoor tires (just for 100cc and 125cc class);

- dechatable and deformable kart parts;

- new hud;

- talent for AI drivers;

- updated skins of PCR, Arrow, TonyKart and Intrepid (old skins available too).

- new gears files.



3 classes, 100cc (Green number plates), 125cc (Yellow number plates), 200cc(red number plates;

46 different 100cc karts:

(Arrow, Azurro, Biesse, Birel, BlackBirds, BRDEV, CRG, Delta, Dino, EKS, Energy, Gillard, haase, Intrepid, Italkart, Kartmini, Kosmic, Lenzokart, Macrofertil, Maranello, Margay, Mari, MBA, MegaKart, MetalMoro, Monaco, MSKart, NJR, NMK, Petrobrás, Phoenix, PKT, RedBull, Repsol, SeijoKart, Soji, Swiss Hutless, TKM, TonyKart, TopKart, TrackMagic, Veloce, Vodafone, VRK, Webmotors, Zanardi);

66 different 125cc karts:

(7Kart, Arrow, Azurro, Biesse, Birel, CRG, Dino, EKS, Gillard, GP, Intrepid, Italkart, Kartmini, Kosmic, Kosmos, Lenzokart, Maranello,

Margay, MBA, MegaKart, NJR, PCR, Phoenix, SeijoKart, Soji, Swiss Hutless, TibiKart, TKM, TonyKart, TopKart, VRK, Zanardi);

30 different 200cc karts:

(7Kart, Birel, BRDEV, CRG, DeltaMari, Dupont, Energy, Haase, Intrepid, KartMini, Kosmos, MetalMoro, Monaco, MSKart, NMK, PCR, PKT, TonyKart, TrackMagic);

2 different 100cc engines: Parilla and Vortex;

4 different 125cc engines: Italsistem, Parilla, PCR, Vortex;

4 different 125cc engines: Honda, Huqsvarna, Kawasaki, Yamaha;

Any engine have different values of torque, power, compression, durability and maximum RPM.

6 different Tire Brands:

- Bridgestone - 3 compounds (YKC, YKB, YKA);

- Dunlop - 3 compounds (DBM, DBS, DBW);

- Hoosier - 3 compounds (A50, A40, A30);

- Maxxis - 3 compounds (HG1, HG3, HT4);

- MG - 3 compounds (AZ, FZ, KZ);

- Mojo - 2 compounds (D1, D2);

2 different Indoor Tire Brands:

- Gold Indoor - 2 compounds (Cool, Hot);

- Vega Indoor - 2 compounds (H1, S1);

Any compound of any tire brand have individual values of grip, wear, optimal pressure and optimal temp.

Indoor tires have less grip than others. Indoor tires have one ring painted on sides of tire, to be easilly identified.


1.11 version installation:

You need have 1.0 +1.1 version of BRKart mod previouslly installed before install 1.1 upgrade.

To install 1.0 version and/or 1.1 and 1.11 upgrades, just unpack folders contained into rar files into your rfactor folder. Click "yes to all" to overwrite.Install in crescent order: first 1.0 version, second 1.1 version, and to finish, 1.11 version.

Don't worry, It will not orverwrite any rfactor files.


To uninstall:

- into your rFactor rFm folder, delete all 3 BRKart files.

- into your GameData/sounds file, delete BRKart folder.

- into your GameData/Vehicles folder, delete BRKart folder.

- into your GameData/Talent folder, delete BRKart folder.

...but we hope that you won't do it.


Steering wheel configuration:

We use a mixed configuration with MSFF: Realfeel + Leo FFB

Realfeel settings:











LeoFFB settings:

24.0 Front Wheel lock angle, degrees (max deflection to one side from straight on)

0.52 Front wheel distance to centerline (half the front wheel track) in metres, from .pm file

0.54 Front axle distance to body reference point (about half the wheel base) in metres, from .pm file

4.5 Relative strength of FFB effects

0.5 Aligning moment curve shape / feeling of tyre losing grip. Lower numbers are duller, range 1.0 .. 10

0.85 Negative aligning moment parameter for high slip angles, range 0.0 ... 1.0

16.0 Slip angle where aligning moment reverses direction - typically between 8 and 15 degrees

0.0 Caster (dimetionless)

0.0 Camber ratio (not degrees!)

0.1 Road bumps feeling on the wheel

11500.0 maximum FFB force for stationary and low speed effects

4.5 stiffness of stationary wheels

1.5 wheel rubber hardness (1..5)

8.0 how quickly static forces drop off when rolling

Try it and enjoy.


Recommended kart tracks:

(note) - please forgive us if we forgot to insert some kart track here. actually a lot of kart tracks have beeing released, and maybe we forgot to test some of they. If you recommend some kart track to put in this list, please, tell us.

Kartodromo Vasco Sameiro - Braga


Interlagos Kart






Poços de Caldas






Clay Pigeon


Goldenport Revisited




Kart Circuit Amsterdam


Kartrek Amsterdam


Dansk Superkart


Kartodromo de Baradero




Diamond Kart Ring






Cabanas Raras



IMPORTANT: DISABLE all helps before race with karts (including Clutch).

Comercial use of this mod, partial conversions or full conversions are proibithed without BRDEV authorization.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest omarbig

Buongiorno a tutti,

sono nuovo di rfactor...ho installato il cd versione 1.2.55 e poi ho installato il mod BRkart ma non riesco a giocare...

mi potreste aiutare?

sembra che bisogni sbloccare qualcosa perch

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Guest Raffaele2521
Hai comprato il kart che intendi usare?

mi dici dove posso trovare i circuiti per i kart ???

scusate la domanda stupida ma le piste ?

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