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Formula 1 1955 by Team Players


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nettamente il miglior mod per rfactor..

ha una fisica da impazzire.. io gioco solo a questo offline

purtroppo da piu di anno non esce niente e anche quando uscira quella a ruote coperte, pur bellissima , saremo ancora lontani da un mod completo

io intanto mi sono personalizzato il mod colorando 36 vetture e cambiando qualcosa nei modelli 3d

poi ho fatto 36 talent files coi migliori piloti degli anni '40-'50 e modificato un po' il damage.ini e il prl per rendere le gare un po' piu' mosse

non e\\\' niente di eccezzionale ,ma mi permette di correre offline senza vedere solo 7 piloti e le vetture tutte uguali





se interessa ne posto altre

Edited by tazio
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  • 9 months later...

Tempo di uppare questo topic! Ora che il Team Players ha trovato nuovi membri per potare avanti il suo progetto, forse i lavori procederanno un po' pi

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Tempo di uppare questo topic! Ora che il Team Players ha trovato nuovi membri per potare avanti il suo progetto, forse i lavori procederanno un po' pi

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a quick update on the Connaught.

I have pretty much finished the suspension thanks to Dave and Max for all the detailed photos.

I just started mapping the parts so I should have the suspension done pretty soon.

You can also see that I started on the cockpit but still a lot of work to do on that.

Something interesting is if you look at the driver seat you can see that it is almost completely surrounded by part of the fuel tank (that is the light gray part around the blue seat...

That alone would make me think twice about getting in one let alone try to drive it as fast as you could...


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  • 1 month later...

Se avete del materiale in proposito, segnalatelo al Team! ;)

Hey guys,

You know that we have been working on the Ferrari's for the 55 mod, Big Ben is working on the 625 and Algis is working on the 555 (and the 500). Progress is coming along on all three cars but we are desperately looking for detailed pictures of the cockpits.

The models are looking quite nice and both guys are just starting on the cockpits.

If anyone has any good photos of the 625 cockpit it would be a huge help.



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