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Formula 1 1955 by Team Players


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1955 F1 Release

Team Players would like to announce that we are releasing our 55F1 mod for your enjoyment.

Some of you may have noticed that we have been very quiet about this mod over the last couple of months, the reason is that we have given AutoSimSport Magazine the "scoop" on announcing the 55 mod in this months issue.

We are very excited about receiving the exposure and would like to thank all the guys over there for giving the mod a feature story. So if you do not know where to download your copy you can get it here: (they will also be hosting the mod as well)

<a href="http://autosimsport.net/" target="_blank">http://autosimsport.net/</a>

Thanks guys we really appreciate it.

Since so many of you have been waiting patiently for the release of this mod we decided to do something a bit different. We will be releasing each car as an add-on to the mod as we complete them. Since we have worked for over 2 years on the Mercedes W196 we thought it would be nice to let you enjoy what we have done so far. We will continue working on the other cars and when they are complete we will make the updates so you can build the mod as we progress with each car.

The Mercedes Benz W196 was a very successful German car created in 1954 and run in that year and in 1955. The MB W196 won the World Title in 54 and 55 but after the fatal crash at Le Mans that killed driver Pierre Levegh and 80 spectators Mercedes withdrew from auto racing for the next 30 years.

We have tried to re-create the Mercedes to the best of our abilities by using as much real data as possible. Mark has done a spectacular job of creating the physics with the help from a lot of different people. The one place we did compromise on was the tire physics, we have included tires that we believe have a bit more grip than the real tires in 1955. The increase in grip is small (<10%) but was included to the car more enjoyable to drive initially. Grip levels will be made more realistic in an update to W196 as other cars are released. There are two tire options, when you first load the Mercedes up you will get the Continental 55 tires, but you can select the Continental_B tires which will be a little more forgiving.

We have included a lot of accurate features to the Mercedes like the actual drivers faces, accurate paint jobs depicting specific paint jobs from different tracks and correct car numbers. Driver and car info as well as accurate tire graphics.

We have also created some new features in rFactor, we have created a new leaning driver and a actual moving shifter to show you what gear you are in. If you can refrain from using the hud display, virtual mirrors or outside views your driving experience will be as close to what you would get in 1955.

Suggested settings in rFactor to get the best experience of what we have created are:

-All driving helpers turned off.

-All Display setting on full except shadow blur (framerate killer)

-Cockpit view

-Controller Rates: Head Movement = 0 (or very low) Look Ahead = 50% Exaggerate Yaw = 15%

We have optimized the model and lod's to get the best framerates possible and have made the car look the same in all DX mods. We have done this so you can keep the detail level on Full to get the best resolution you can with this mod. If you find your framerates are lower than you expect, try dropping down to the next DX level rather than turning details down. I found about a 100% increase in FPS in DX7 than DX9 without changing any detail settings so the mod looked exactly the same (of course some tracks will vary by changing DX modes).

Mark has created a very detailed document on how he created the physics which we have included in the mod's zip file so please don't forget to check it out, it will show you just how much time and detail went into the physics for this mod.

You will also find a new showroom that we have made just for the 55 mod as well as new sounds for the mod that take the place of the normal "music" so please turn on your sounds so you can enjoy the ambiance we have created to take you back to 1955.

The showroom can easily be installed by downloading our utility rF Ignition so you can link this showroom to just the 55 mod rather than swapping it out manually by having to move files around. You will notice if you select another mod without exiting rFactor you will sill get our "music" if that bothers you , you can easily remove the comment in the 55F1.rfm pointing to the music by just putting a // in front of that line. I have also put the music in the 55F1 folder so it doesn't add anything to your rFactor folders.

The work on the Mercedes has been an accumulation of over 2 years work. The physics have been created using as much real data as we could gather. The 3d models and graphics represent many hours of gathering thousands of photos and videos and is the best representation of the 1955 season that we could create.

We would like to thank a number of people that have contributed to this mod in technical data photographs and suggestions.

Arturo Pereira Swen Beuchert David Wright Paul Thurston Richard Cooke Pete Close -n- Gene Fryman TechAde Bristow

Special thanks to the beta testers that helped and gave us feedback over the last 2 years.

Marko Rasanen's David Wright Paul Thurston Bernd Nowak Michel Vigneres Max_Angelo Bob Simmerman Alex Martini Aero Mechanical TUNDRA_schumacher Bristow

Team Players Virtual Garage is:

Bob (Punko353) Russell Mark Stone Ricardo Nunnini Alison Hine Keeper Big Ben

We hope you enjoy this mod and like the idea of building the complete mod as we progress.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to stop by our forum.

Thank you for your support, from all of us at Team Players.

Link Download:

Dalle immagini sembra spettacolare

EDIT- L'ho provato al nordschleife e in effetti è davvero spettacolare. Stupendo, consigliatissimo.

Edited by Uff
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Guest da doggfighter

Provato... mi piace molto, derapate da infarto, bella grafica, il cockpit

Edited by da doggfighter
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Davvero un'esperienza di guida diversa dal solito! Ci sto girando a Mills e devo dire che bisogna proprio fare attenzione, se si

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1955 F1 Release

Guardando dai nomi nei credits credo proprio sia il mod f1 1955 che per anni e' stato in cantiere per GPL. Non ne hanno mai parlato molto ma mi ricordo bene di alcune delle persone coinvolte.

Chi seguiva la scena di GPL negli anni d'oro credo conosca Arturo Pereira, David Wright, Paul Thurston che pur non essendo nel team ma dei "consulenti" sono dei grandi di GPL.

Guardando il team che ha fatto il lavoro invece spicca alla grande Ricardo Nunnini, aveva un sito molto tecnico all'alba di GPL, un guru. Ed ovviamente Alison "Eagle Woman" Hine, che fu' nel team di betatester Papyrus alla fine degli anni 90.

Io non ho provato ancora questo mod ma se tutta questa gente non si e' "persa per strada" negli anni questo mod non puo' essere altro che un capolavoro

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1955 F1 Release

Guardando dai nomi nei credits credo proprio sia il mod f1 1955 che per anni e' stato in cantiere per GPL. Non ne hanno mai parlato molto ma mi ricordo bene di alcune delle persone coinvolte.

Chi seguiva la scena di GPL negli anni d'oro credo conosca Arturo Pereira, David Wright, Paul Thurston che pur non essendo nel team ma dei "consulenti" sono dei grandi di GPL.

Guardando il team che ha fatto il lavoro invece spicca alla grande Ricardo Nunnini, aveva un sito molto tecnico all'alba di GPL, un guru. Ed ovviamente Alison "Eagle Woman" Hine, che fu' nel team di betatester Papyrus alla fine degli anni 90.

Io non ho provato ancora questo mod ma se tutta questa gente non si e' "persa per strada" negli anni questo mod non puo' essere altro che un capolavoro


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