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Power&Glory, 60Turismo, RILASCIATO + PATCH 1.02


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It's with great enjoyment that the GTLW mod-team presents the revisited site for P&G with dev blog. In the new revisited site you'll be able to follow all the details and news about Power&Glory, including development notes.

Right now we're preparing v2.0, soon (we hope) to be released on public, featuring a miriade of new cars, features and also changes from v1.02.

Be our guests and make us a visit!

link: www.gtlw.co.uk


Note: if you have dns trouble from redirecting, check in http://gtlw-blog.flyingpig.info/

edit: in italiano http://www.drivingitalia.net/forum/index.p...c=40810&hl=

Vorrei informarvi che il lavoro sul mod Power&Glory 2.0 sta andando avanti a gonfie vele. Il nostro team GTL Workshop preferisce di solito lavorare in silenzio e lasciare da parte l'hype, tuttavia siamo anche consapevoli che l'attesa

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