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Historic GT & Touring Cars v1.96


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  • 4 months later...

Ciao, vorrei risolvere un un fastidioso problema audio. Con le auto TVR e Ford GT40 sento, dentro l'abitacolo, il motore solo dal lato sinistro. Premetto che uso le cuffie e che con le altre auto questo incoveniente non si verifica. Pilotando esternamente l'audio viene miscelato su entrambi in canali dx e sx. Ho provato a smanettare nel file .SFX (si apre con notepad) cambiando alcune righe: da INSIDE a OUTSIDE, poi qualche altra cosuccia. Purtroppo nulla da fare. Chi pu

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  • 1 month later...

Procedono i lavori sulla versione 2.0 del mod.

Qui Niels snocciola alcuni dati sulle modifiche apportate alla Corvette '69.

I wouldn't know where to start.. A quick comparison between v1 and what is currently V2 for the Corvette 69:

V2 has:

- lost 40kg weight

- lost a little bit of inertia

- rear weight % from 49 to 51

- default ride frequencies where F1.85 R1.9hz, now F2.3 R1.8

- old dual stage dampers are now single stage

- Default rollbars where F110000 R10000, now F64000 R32000

- slightly reduced suspension travel

- V1 F and R axle aero was F25.7, R12 kg of lift, V2 is 3kg lift on both axles at 200km/h

- Smoother torque curve

- Old engine: 575hp@6900,680NM@4800. New: 605@6900,730Nm@4500

- Diff was a combination of pump / lock / preload, now just lock and preload


- Optimum camber was about -2.5 degs, added grip was about 1%, now -4 degs and about 4.5% increase in peak force

- More longitudinal drop off

- Lateral drop off is initially less, but gets worse at extreme slip angles; this is not final yet, I'm spinning in the Escort where I'd expect to not do that.

Front lat force at 1000N load was: 1391, is 1444

Front lat force at 6000N load was: 7210N, is: 6729N

i.e. more sensitive to load now

Rear lat force at 1000N load was: 1402, is 1487

Rear lat force at 6000n load was: 7581, is 6985

i.e. more sensitive to load and also a bit more initial difference in grip at low loads, the old version had the same friction coefficient at 0 load. Tires appear less grippy though camber does add more than it used to. I've also got rid of speed affecting grip in 2.0. Absolute grip levels aren't too different in practise, though the changes in load sensitivity do affect the balance and tend to make grip loss worse at the heavy loaded side.

Front peak slip at 5000N was: 10.3 deg, is: 8.8 deg

Rear peak slip at 5000N was: 10.3 deg, is: 8 deg

Edit: this also means the tire stiffness has gone up, the lateral grip you get with the first degree of slip angle is higher. Perhaps that makes the tires more responsive.

There is 1967 CANAM data with peak slip around 8 or 9 degrees. Theoretically that doesn't mean anything for the mid 70s slicks but they've ''tightened' up a bit.

Tires also have a new, somewhat smoother grip buildup curve.

Oh yeah, there is less relative longitudinal grip. Based on not much data at all, though the assumption that tires always produce more long than lat grip seems to not stand in all data that is available. Longitudinal grip at zero load is about 14% less than lateral grip, though the load sensitivity is flatter and long grip gets nearer to lat grip as load increases. The car still has higher braking G forces than cornering because of more favourable load transfer, but in general braking distances are a bit longer and rude acceleration will overcome the rear grip limits sooner.

I think reading all this that you have to be smoother in order to get the most out of the new cars. Tires don't like sudden load changes as much and the pedals are more sensitive. If you nurse the car around the track you'll be rewarded, hopefully.... as I believe simracing is a good tool in learning to be smooth and precise, rather than ham-fisting around the track :)

Those are some changes, its hard to go by these numbers to say how different the car feels; the sum of a few changes can be noticable.. I haven't driven the original mod for a few months; I might just do that to see where it stands.. :)

Edit: The more i think about it the more I could type.. I aso disabled the dropofffunction in the TBC files. On paper this function can shrink the drop off part of the curve as load increases and the peak slip angle moves to a greater value. When testing extremes, my tool doesn't match with what is happening. Using normal values and I don't really see a great issue but until I'm sure that my charts in my tool are actually occuring in rFactor, I've turned it off. By far the most important tires are the heavy loaded ones so I now set the drop off severity as I wish for high load.

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versione 2? non ne sapevo nulla, cosa stanno sviluppando di interessante?

qualche link di riferimento?

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  • 5 weeks later...
Eseguiti tutti i test hardware.... tutto ok.

Riscaricato tramite torrent (l'unica fonte da dove non l'avevo ancora scaricato) scompattati i 5 file .rar tutto ok.

Lancio l'installazione, mi vede il cd di GP Legend, comincia a copiare i file nella dir di RFactor, verso la fine si ferma e mi da errore !!! :flame::flame::flame:

Aiutatemi st

Edited by Er Mejo Welab
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