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Legend Cars 1.0 by Trellet

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Legends Cars mod by Trellet.mod


What is "Legends Cars mod"?

Legends Cars mod is a team effort by our rFactor and GPL league members (trellet.net) to create a series that offers very close racing with spectacular and exciting action - a great racing show. The idea formed in a league meeting around the campfire somewhere in the woods of central Finland.

Legends Cars is done by people who take realism and true to life performance as their main goal. We have been driving racing sims since they were invented and finally we came to a conclusion there is enough talent and potential modders in our own league so we decided to start modding.

We have used huge amount of time on research, driving around Finland to races to talk to the drivers and acquired international contacts to get real data of the car.

We managed to get our hands on measured tyre data from BF Goodrich and accurate measurements of the chassis and steering geometries. Also dyno sheets for engine and shock absorbers have been used to create the physics.

The cherry on top of everything is that we were given the opportunity to test a real Legends car by ourselves. We also have the 2007 Legends Pro division World Champion (Sonoma, Infineon) Rory Penttinen as our test pilot (he is also a sim driver) and few others who are racing in Finnish Legends trophy series. Gene Cannon is the latest addition to our team to make sure the cars are real on ovals too.

So the aim of the mod is to bring You the fun the drivers have at the track (unfortunately we can't provide the off track atmosphere that is in the air during race weekends) We sincerely hope you enjoy what we came up with!

What is Legends racing series?

Legends Cars series was formed by Inex (the name derives from inexpensive) in 1992 with a purpose to create a series for weekend racers that doesn't require piles of money or any special setup skills and/or tools in the beginning. A way to race/start racing cheap but competitively at the same time.

Legends Cars use single type tube frame chassis with 10 different fiberglass bodies which are 5/8th scale versions of the "nascars" of the 30's and 40's. The chassis has Yamaha 1250 or 1300 cc motorcycle engine and gearbox producing about 125 - 150hp. Legends uses normal Toyota street car brake discs in front and drums in rear.

The thing that makes legends very entertaining and fun to drive is the reduced road holding. There are no wings or aerodynamic devices in the car. Legends also use fairly hard compound BF Goodrich 'Legends Edition' 13" street radials. Suspension is made with Bilstein 'Legends Edition' coilover shocks that cannot be adjusted and which are too soft. The most fun part of the car is probably the live rear axle which is either welded or spooled for 100% locking on all times! This means that in road tracks you won't have much chance of driving it like a real race car - you have to force the car's tail out (doesn't need that much trying ;) and drive it like RWD rallycar.

Current version

This release is titled 1.0 and has been under development for some two years. It has two bodymodels - Ford '34 Sedan and Coupe.

Both cars are found also in oval versions. The difference is in the default setup and in the clutch. Oval racers use clutch that slips a bit so the rears won't loose grip while downshifting at full throttle.

The 1.0 release is the only release there will be so; no upgrades -> no mismatches.

The cars have camber cut tires to be used in road and oval tracks.

The uncut tires are used in real life for rain and dirt track racing. As rFactor doesn't support either of these, we didn't make any uncut tires to the mod as they wouldn't have been proper or useful anyway. We'll leave it to some third party to create dirt physics.

There will also be proper painting templates for the cars.

Known issues / missing features


We are still missing 7 different bodyshapes (maybe we'll have them when rF2 comes out...)


The sounds are "ok" but we are still hoping that some day we'll get some proper recordings and proper samples done (rF2...)


rFactor cannot model some of the real life features suchs as motorbike engines. This is the reason why the setup screen shows different gear ratio numbers than it should, Final drive ratio is the same as in real life. Also the total ratios are correct (from crankshaft to rear wheel).

Also in reality there is no reverse gear in these cars but you can still find it in the game although it doesn't work

There is no possibility to adjust pinion angle like in real life in these cars, but the effects are very small so it won't be an issue.

In real life you cannot use as much camber and toe at the same time in the rear axle than in the game. In real life solid rear axle can take some amounts of either toe or camber, but too much of both at the same time and the driveshafts will snort a pelican in the turbine...

The dirt modelling in rF is not good enough for us the waste time on it so we leave the dirt tires to be developed by someone who drives on dirt and feels it needs to be done. We put the dirt wire "window" there for you guys ;) Actually it's not too bad in the dirt with the camber cuts either...


Sometimes you may encounter a missing left front wheel & suspension after a crash and it won't come back until you leave the track. We have not been able to isolate this problem so we are pretty sure that it is something in the rFactor itself and that we can do nothing about (luckily it doesn't happen very often

And many other small things that we don't remember anymore...

Getting started

Installation & uninstalling

There is 2 ways of installing legends mod. Either you download the Legends Cars.exe and follow the installers instructions, or you download the Legends Cars.rar and extract the RFM and GAMEDATA folders to the root of your rFactor folder.

To uninstall this mod, simply delete the following folders:




And delete the following files:





BUT before you delete the mod make sure you have some other car/mod selected in the UI or you'll have problems starting rFactor the next time.

Optimizing rFactor settings


This mod has proven to be very FPS friendly in our beta seasons, but if you suffer from bad FPS, try reducing your graphical settings starting from the amount of visible vehicles. There are also good and properly functioning LOD system in the mod so the graphical settings have proper effect and you can maximize your performance & eyecandy.


Go to your rFactor\USERDATA\[YOURNAME]\controller.ini and edit it with notepad or similar

Search under the first topic:

[General Controls]

Steer Ratio Speed="0.00000" // Speed at which low speed steering lock override ends (for pit navigation, units are meters/sec, 0.0 to disable)

This setting changes the linearity of the steering by adding more lock to the steering the slower the car is moving.

The ISI default is 20(m/s) which is 70 km/h. With Legends (and all other slower car mods) this value is too big, so we suggest you drop it atleast under 5, but 0 is the only real value :)

Speed Sensitive Steering="0.00000"

Also check this, so you have the steering 100% linear

Specific wheel & RealFeel settings

Logitech controllers need their Force Feedback strenght to be reversed in rFactor so the correct Force Feedback in the rFactor controller menu is -100% (slider fully left)

Other controllers usually have it +100% (slider fully right)

Suggested windows game controller Wheel settings:

Force: 101%

Spring: 0%

Damper: 0%

Also make sure you have your pedals on separate axis (uncheck the combined pedals box)

RealFeel settings (just suggestions):

Logitech MOMO Force (red)






Logitech G25






Setups and Driving tips

Getting to know the car

At first we strongly advice you to go and try the feel of the default setup. If you try to make the car turn tightly into corners with just lifting the throttle, the car will understeer heavily. Also if you try to spin the rear tires to powerslide, you most likely find yourself doing a huge slide and burning your tires... So read this small guide:

These cars have their soul in the way they handle. The rear axle is live type and the diff is 100% locked (welded or spool) and the rule specified Bilstein coilovers are way too soft to begin with.

So the end result of the cars main characteristics are:

- Off throttle understeer. You have to "drive" the car. It doesn't mean that it should be drifted through corners as you will burn your tires fast, but to aid the steering by keeping the rears spinning.

- On throttle oversteer. As the rear tires begin to slide they break completely loose (100% locked diff) so you have to be kind of persuasive through the corners. Don't turn in too sharply while on the accelerator but rather nudge it with small steering inputs. Or put the car in a small slide and drive it like GPL

With a proper setup you can exit the corners in a stylish powerslide manner, which is a very popular amongst some road track racers ;)

The steering in real Legends is very VERY fast, and you are able to use fast steering in our mod also. The car is quite easy to keep in control even in big slides, just don't lift your foot from the accelerator or it WILL kill you (as Jeremy Clarkson would say)

Described in few words it's like this: if the front grips -> rear breaks loose and vice versa, so you really need to drive these.

setting up the car for ROAD

Before you touch any of the setups just go to the track and feel the car out. Then set the correct gearing to make the RPM's correct in the corners. Only the rear gearing is adjustable so it's always a compromise. Rule of thumb if you rears won't spin pressing you foot down on the corner exit you either have too long gearing or too big gear selected. On some tracks the correct gearing for the corners can be more important than ultimate top speed at the end of the longest straight.

The next thing to try out is to look for grip and balance by changing the springrate. It has the biggest effect on a Legends.

I would suggest on road courses suspension to 25 - 30 Nm allround and keep front camber to about 3 degs negative. This is a general very soft setup which has grip but might need some practice. Higher springrate makes the car bit easier to drive but also more loose. This soft setup is adopted straight from our real life drivers setups and it works great in the game too.

Setting up the rear end is a matter of preference. Real life setups on the live rear axle are done by hammer and a blowtorch, but in rF we have it easier (and obviously faster) ;) more toe-in in the rear causes the rear to be more loose but also bit more calm under slides. Negative rear camber makes the slides smoother when bigger amounts are used. But too much and you'll be going straight on the faster corners.

Don't forget the effect of weight distribution. More to the rear and rear grips and more to the front and rear goes wild.

So it's a matter of balance setting these cars to your preferences.

setting up the car for OVAL, explained by Gene Cannon:

I am American, so all units in this explanation will be done in the imperial system.

Oval setups are of course a little diffrent from road setups. With most games, everyone does symmetrical setups for their cars. However, with ovals, you are always turning one way, and normally it is to the left. So for this we will need to make a non-symmetrical setup.

Since oval racing varies from track to track, so will your setup. I have made the default setup for the oval specification cars that I created for Joseville. You can use this setup has a template for other ovals if you would like. I would however recommend everyone to test this setup, and make a few laps around Joesville oval with it.

The key with oval setups is simple. All of your lateral G's will be bearing down hard on your right side (if you are on a left turning oval) and for this, you will need to adjust the right side a little stiff. A good starting point for this would be to make your right front around 278 or so. This will enable the front of the car to hold the weight of the car has you enter the corner. The left front will be a little softer at around a 225.

Normally I will run the back springs around the same, maybe giving the right rear a little more then the left. This will allow the car to rotate into the corners. Now on to the fun part, Camber.

Camber is a little tricky with ovals. Most everyone will slap negative camber on both sides, and expect it to turn, however this is not the case. With ovals, you want to make the left side positive, normally a degree or so less then your right side, which will be negative. So for an example if i have +3.5 degrees of camber in my left front, I would normally run -4.0 degrees in my right front. This will allow the car to turn in much quicker and roll through the corners.

And lastly, gearing. On Road Courses, you switch gears all the time, however one ovals you do not want to do this. Basically you want to out it in 5th and just run with that. You will have to find the right gear that works with your driving style, but just remember, if you go changing gears on an oval, you will loose a ton of time in doing so.

The oval version of the legends cars in this mod have an oval clutch that has bit more slip in it so you won't lose traction if you have to change gears.

Greetings & Thanks

Makers of the Legends Cars mod

Project lead

Juha Mikkola

3D-Lead & Templates

Antti Kasanen

Additional Models

Eero Klami

Leo L

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